How easy is it that you can send cards online now? The day are gone of going to the store, picking out cards, taking them home, signing, stuffing the envelopes, licking, stamping, and getting them to the post office on time (they’re always closed.)
How crazy is it that you can literally type into google “send cards” and 110 sites come up that you can send cards across the world from the click of a mouse come up? Sending cards is kind of a thing of the past now, too, right? Don’t you remember every holiday or birthday you would get your own personal piece of mail addressed to you as a kid would come through and you would get so excited, no only because you got your own mail for once, but most of the time there would be a crisp $5 inside? I loved getting cards! I still love getting cards, even if they come from an aunt that I have never talked to a day in my life.
I think cards might be coming back around, I mean, everything does, right? Kids are wearing bell bottoms jeans and platform boots, surely direct mail will make a come back, especially since you can send them from your phone now! There are a lot of things changing right now in the world, and some serious old school hacks are coming back, especially when comes to marketing. I think people are so burnt out on all of the unbelievable ways that digital marketing steals their personal information and uses it to try and get you to buy their products. I mean, you’re scrolling through Facebook and you see a funny meme, click on it, and all the sudden your getting ads every single place that you look after that. Almost seems like it should be illegal, right? But then again, you let us know what you’re eating for dinner and where you just bought your new shoes on sale, so at the same time, you’re kind of asking for it.
Anyway, if you are in the market for a new method of marketing, you should seriously consider taking it back a couple decades. There is a reason that those people marketed like that in the first place, it probably works! I know people could argue that there is also a reason that they stopped, but maybe their isn’t! Maybe digital marketers did their job and that is all you see now so you think that it’s the only way to go. All I know is that if I used a business and all of the sudden they started sending me hand-signed greeting cards to my mailbox, I am probably going to go to that business religiously! If my hairdresser sent me 30% off to my MAILBOX, then I might not always be on the hunt for a new one!
I understand that every industry needs to go about marketing a little bit different than the next, but I think that most all of them have one thing in common, and that is they want to make their clients/customers to feel a warm welcome from them. What is more warm than sending a hand signed greeting card to them?
There are a couple of things I have learned about working with realtors the past couple of years, and that is, the more personable and trustworthy they are, the more leads that gravitate to them. It’s all about how you talk to people, and how comfortable they feel giving their money to you.