Real estate marketing… Where do I begin?
A lot of realtors were former business owners, or former salespeople… So they kind of have an understanding of what marketing is, and what kind of popular marketing is happening right now, but when it comes to realtors, haven’t you noticed that marketing is MUCH MUCH different?
I know that you always see billboards with realtor and lender’s faces all over it, and I’m sure that it is a whole other house mortgage per month to pay for one of those.. Not everyone who becomes a realtor has a ton of disposable money in the bank to pay for all of those materials that are used in real estate marketing…
Here’s the thing. There are a lot of things that you need to keep in mind when it comes to real estate marketing. There are tons of ways to do it, and not every method is so extremely expensive. Some methods cost hardly anything at all! When you go with those cost effective methods, you need to understand how much work will go into it.
If you’ve read my articles before, you know that I am really big on building personal relationships with your clients. I mean come on? Doesn’t everyone want their potential clients to trust them and their character right off the bat? Duh.
That’s the thing about real estate marketing. It’s all about what type of marketing that you can do that will help you build referrals, because that is the best possible way to gain more leads. \
With other businesses it’s not necessarily about building referrals, and more about how well you can digitally market. But when it comes to real estate, word of mouth is a HUGE thing. People want to hire people that they trust when it comes to large purchases like a house! Or even selling their family home of ++ YEARS!
Let’s be honest here.. If cold calling people was the way to make money and gather new clients, you still wouldn’t be doing it. Cold-calling can be effective if you have the right pitch, and the right audience, AND the right time of day… There are a lot of factors when it comes to cold calling as a method of real estate marketing. Plus, there is the fear of rejection.. The rejection is so bad.. Trust me, from someone who had made 10’s of 1000’s of cold calls in her life, there is nothing worse than being made out out to be a telemarketer.
Lucky for you, I have found the perfect company that does a tremendous job of creating personal and unique relationships with your clients, completely automated. Check it out
I’ll do a whole blog on the journey of cold-calling in my next blog about real estate marketing..
Anyways, back to what I was saying.. When it comes to real estate marketing, all of the methods can be very pricey, however, just make sure that whatever method of real estate marketing that you’re doing is based around building personal relationships with your clients. That is the key to success.
If you’re an insurance agent and you’re also looking to develop genuine relatiionships with your clients, check out this company who automates the process for you!