How mortgage lenders use direct mail to get massive ROI

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These days, the REALLY big hitters in the mortgage business pond have a secret.

And it’s NOT a digital marketing tactic.

It’s OLD SCHOOL. Like direct mail old school.

You read that right… mortgage lenders are still using direct mail to get massive ROI! Here’s how:

The Money is In the Follow Up

We interviewed several top mortgage producers each closing upwards of $60 million per year.

The interesting part is that the 1 thing that they ALL had in common had nothing to do with the type of loans they wrote or the size of their markets.

The #1 thing all 3 top producers had in common was their follow up system using hand signed follow up cards!

These top producers are not alone. 88% of mortgage lenders report that referrals are their #1 marketing tactic and follow up marketing is the easiest referrals you’ll ever generate because most lenders fail to follow up especially after closing.

Check the ROI

All 3 lenders were spending between $100 – $300 a month sending hand signed cards to their clients.

They do it regularly throughout the year and never miss a beat.

Each one reported that they got their first referrals within the first 2 months of launching their follow up system.  All reported getting at least 1 new referral per week.  JUST from this follow up system.

Do the math:

$100/month x 12 – $1200/year spent on direct mail for mortgage lenders.

1 loan closed = $3,000 commision on average

So even at just 1 loan closed per year, that’s 150% ROI!

But if you’re sending out cards month after month to a growing database and getting 1-2 new referrals a week, the numbers get WAY bigger.

If you closed 30% of your referrals (which is low for top producers) and received 52 referrals a year from direct mail follow up, that’s 15 closed loans a year, or $45,000 in revenue.

Growing Your Mortgage Pipeline with Direct Mail

If you want to grow your mortgage pipeline you could spend thousands of dollars on Facebook ads, build out marketing automation funnels and work tons of cold leads.

Or – you could spend more time focusing on the people and clients you’ve done business with by getting better at follow up marketing with direct mail.

RESURGE automates this process for you. Our team sends out hand signed follow up cards to your clients at regular intervals throughout the year.

We even include your business card inside AND send you an automated notification via email that includes the customer’s name, contact info and a suggested script of what to say when you call or text.

The best part is it costs you less than $1/client per month.

How’s that for ROI?

Smart mortgage lenders are closing big numbers by using direct mail where it’s most effective – as part of a follow up marketing system.