What this originator learned from 9,000 closings & 50 years in mortgage lending
Friday, 05 April 2019
A lot has changed in 50 years. In 1969 a gallon of gas cost $0.32. The average price of a new home was $40,000. And Bruce Coffman with America’s Mortgage Resource was just starting his career in the mortgage business! Since then he’s closed 9,000+ loans worth more than $1 billion in volume. He’s closed
- Published in Tips
The dead simple way to generate new mortgage referrals every single week
Friday, 29 March 2019
When you make the decision to get into the mortgage business, you’re hoping to one day wind up on the gravy train. You know, that place in your business where easy-to-close referrals are just rolling in week after week.
- Published in Tips
Realtors & Mortgage Lenders Commit 3 Business Killing Sins – Are You?
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Some days, we feel like clergy around here. That’s because being a marketing company for real estate professionals, we hear all sorts of things. Not all of them good. Over the years we’ve collected the top 3 “sins” that real estate agents & mortgage lenders make over and over again. These sins kill their momentum
- Published in increasing business
The future of direct mail marketing for real estate
Thursday, 21 March 2019
If you had told us a few years ago that people would go to Disney world and be glued to their phones, we’d have called you crazy. Just look around… that’s the world we live in today. There’s no denying that the phone and digital technology has totally changed our lives and our businesses especially
- Published in direct mail, increasing business
How mortgage lenders use direct mail to get massive ROI
Thursday, 21 March 2019
These days, the REALLY big hitters in the mortgage business pond have a secret. And it’s NOT a digital marketing tactic. It’s OLD SCHOOL. Like direct mail old school. You read that right… mortgage lenders are still using direct mail to get massive ROI! Here’s how: The Money is In the Follow Up We interviewed
- Published in direct mail, increasing business
Do real estate postcards still work for generating business?
Monday, 04 March 2019
It’s easy to understand why everyone in the real estate industry is obsessed with digital marketing. After all, it feels like most people live on their phones these days. With all the effort being put into digital marketing, you might be wondering if real estate postcards still work for generating business. The answer is
- Published in direct mail, increasing business
3 Tips for Closing $60 Million a Year
Saturday, 02 February 2019
We interviewed 3 real estate professionals all doing MORE than $60 million a year, and here are the 3 things they said were key to reaching that goal. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mortgage lender or a real estate agent, closing $60 million a year means BIG BUCKS!
- Published in Tips