Did you know that when you start out as a real estate agent, they don’t teach you how to use automated mailers? We all know that door knocking and selling in person is still the most effective way to get listings, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could spend more time at home with our families instead of trudging through the snow and cold? Automated mailers will not only get your name in front of hundreds of new people every month, but they can help grow your business exponentially!
Here’s The Thing…
There’s a new technology called automated mailers that is so effective at generating leads for agents. But most agents don’t know about it. Here’s why: Traditional real estate schools haven’t been teaching students about how to use them—but these programs are changing that fast! This program aims to teach you exactly how to use automated mailers.
What are Real Estate Automated Mailers?
Automated mailers have taken a backseat to social media and other forms of marketing in recent years. It’s time to give your automated mailer a chance to shine. Automated mailers are a great way to reach out to a group of people all at once with relevant information about your business and product. When you send out an automated mailing, you have access to contact data for everyone on your list so you can provide information tailored specifically for each person’s needs.
Where Do Real Estate Automated Mailers Fit Into My Marketing Plan?
Where automated mailers fit into your real estate marketing plan depends largely on how comfortable you are using them and how invested you want to get in your new business. If you’re a novice and would like to learn more about how these little letters work, don’t be afraid to experiment a bit before investing heavily.
What Do Real Estate Automated Mailers Cost?
The truth is, it costs a lot less than you think. For about $4/month (for one property), you can begin reaping these benefits and growing your business exponentially. That’s because a Lister automatically sends an Open House Invitation to over 2 million recipients in your local area!
How Will Using Real Estate Automated Mailers Help Me Sell Homes Faster?
If you want to sell homes faster, use automated mailers. The earlier a potential buyer can get your listing information and learn about your community of available homes for sale and how their needs will be met, they’ll have time to think about it and then contact you when they’re ready.
Are you an insurance agent looking for automated mailers? Click here!
So How Exactly Do I Get Started With Real Estate Automated Mailer Services?
The first thing you need to do is contact your favorite real estate agent and ask them who they use. The majority of agents will be happy to give out their recommendations, since they get a commission if you decide to go with them. If there’s no agent in your area that uses mailer services, try posting on Facebook or Twitter asking if anyone can recommend an agency; people might jump at an opportunity to point you in a new direction and make a little money along the way!
Things to Avoid When Preparing Your Home For Sale
Overwhelmed by all you have to do when getting your home ready for sale? Not sure where to start? Check out these 6 things NOT to do when preparing your home for sale
Some Final Tips On Getting The Most From Your Real Estate Email Marketing Campaign
1. When sending a newsletter out to your past clients, include 2-3 listings in that email that are actually up for sale. These listings should be in areas where your past clients have already expressed interest in living. If you don’t see any of these listed properties available on public databases or through listings you’ve obtained from agents/brokers of other real estate agencies.
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