A lot of people ask me why I take the time to invest in automated real estate mailers as part of my marketing strategy. While they’re not necessarily the most exciting part of my business, they are an important one, and in this post I’m going to explain to you why they are so beneficial, and how they help me achieve success in my business. If you’re still on the fence about using them yourself, I hope this helps clear things up for you!
1) Save Time
Did you know that real estate professionals can save hundreds of hours a year just by using automated real estate mailers? No longer do you have to type in addresses one-by-one; no longer do you have to sift through paper piles in search of specific offers. By working with your clients on an automated basis, they’ll be able to receive all relevant information pertaining to their home or property—when they want it.
2) Save Money
Mailing costs can add up. Automated real estate mailers save money in a number of ways: they don’t require a stamp, they allow you to send more material, and they use less paper. By using an automated real estate mailer service, you’ll be able to keep your costs down while growing your business.
3) Boost Traffic
When you’re trying to sell a house, you want as many eyes on it as possible—and one of those eyes should be your real estate agent’s. But how do you get your home out there without attracting fraudsters and spammers? Let automated real estate mailers boost your traffic.
4) Target The Right People
Buying a home is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Depending on your income, family size, and what you’re trying to accomplish (such as retirement or paying off debt), your real estate needs will vary greatly. Don’t let any agent talk you into buying more house than you need—instead, use an automated real estate mailer to help narrow down your search. In other words, target the right audience.
5) Satisfy Clients Faster
If your customers like what they get from you, and receive it in a speedy manner, they’ll be more likely to spread positive word-of-mouth about your business. In fact, speed has a direct correlation with customer loyalty. A study from MIT showed that for every extra minute of waiting time at a drive-thru or other automated line, customers’ likelihood of returning dropped 7%. Any way you can cut down on those wait times is likely to pay off in spades.
6) Track Results
It’s important to track your results when implementing any system for generating leads for your business. There’s no reason to employ a new strategy if it’s not working for you, so use statistics and metrics to determine whether or not something is working out in your favor. Even more important than that, keep tabs on those numbers over time: Are they trending up or down? How does one factor change over time as you tweak your system?
7) Free Yourself Up to Do Other Things Like Networking, Visiting Businesses, etc.
It’s no secret that sending out real estate mailers can be a time-consuming process. You need to research addresses, design your flyer, print it out and send it off, then track responses and follow up with clients. The good news is that it doesn’t have to take up so much of your time anymore. If you choose an automated real estate mailer service like PostCardMania, you can generate as many custom designs as you want from virtually anywhere using your smartphone or desktop computer.
8) Create New Revenue Streams
Are you a real estate agent? Are you looking for additional opportunities to make money outside of your day job? An automated real estate mailer service is a great option for any agent who wants to enhance their business with additional income streams. We’ll walk you through why they’re so useful and explain how they can benefit you. Here are some of our favorite reasons
9) Improve Communications with Prospects and Customers
Make sure that you’re staying in touch with your customers and prospects! One way to make sure they know what you’re up to is by investing in automated real estate mailers. These are periodic emails that get sent out to people on your list, letting them know what’s going on with you and your business. If you think about it, these types of emails keep everyone on your list engaged and involved with what’s going on with your company.
10) Track Exact ROI
While running an ad or campaign in real estate, it’s crucial to monitor your return on investment (ROI). If you aren’t tracking ROI, it can be difficult to tell whether a campaign is profitable or not. Investing time and money into various advertising mediums can be frustrating if there isn’t immediate information available. With our real estate mailer software, you can easily track each piece of mail that is sent out and how much money they generated.
Get started right here!